Be Kind

Our Autumn Term focus was our first core value: 'Be Kind', which tied in with our Anti-Bullying Week (in November) theme of 'One Kind Word'. We collected ideas from everyone and agreed that there are four main ways that we can show kindness:

Every morning in school, we spent some time learning about kindness, and thinking about how we could demonstrate this value in our lives.

How you can support your child to be kind:

At the end of each day, talk to your children about how they have showed kindness to others.

Watch some of the kindness videos we have watched in school and discuss them with your child.

BBC Teach KS2 PSHE: Giving to others

The power of union is strength

Have you ever felt like an outsider?

We have been practising using kind words and phrases in school. Encourage your children to try and use these words to their family members at home.

Be kind

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