Friends of Chaulden Junior School

Friends of Chaulden Junior School is a registered charity with 2 main roles:

  • to raise funds
  • to organise events for Chaulden Junior School.

Both roles enhance and enrich our children’s experience at school whilst helping to build the school community.

As a ‘Friends of…’ association, all family members and carers are welcome to come along to meetings without feeling obliged to give up huge amounts of time. Contributions of any kind are welcome: from new event ideas to selling ice creams for 30 minutes on a summer’s afternoon. Contact the FoCJS to find out more.

Over recent years, proceeds from FoCJS events have funded playground equipment, author visits, the annual Christmas pantomime, the Easter golden ticket hunt and much more.

In addition, every summer a whole school event is organised, providing an opportunity for the school community to come together for a new or enriching experience, outside of the school curriculum.

To enable us to raise these vital funds, we host exciting events throughout the year such as discos, a Christmas fair, a winter party & a summer carnival. The FoCJS can also be found providing refreshments at sports day, school performances & parents evenings.

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